Course Reserves (Students)

Course reserves for a class you're enrolled in.
What are course reserves? Heading link
Course reserves help make class materials more accessible and affordable for students. UIC instructors can place textbooks and other required course materials on “reserve” for students to access for free through the University Library. Access to these materials may be restricted to shorter loan times in order to make them available to as many students as possible.
Many textbooks from 100 and 200 level courses are also available! Course reserves also include test prep materials, anatomy models, physical equipment, and more! These materials can be found in our online catalog and can be checked out at the circulation desk.
Visit the circulation desk to borrow these items.
Find course reserves Heading link

You can find course reserves with UIC Library Search.
Use the “Course Reserves” dropdown menu next to the search input form. This will limit your search to items which have course reserves. For example, if you were looking for books for your Art History class, you could search by:
- Your course number, e.g. AH 111
- Your subject or department, e.g. Art History
- Your instructor’s name