Daley Library Policies

To view your outstanding charges, log into your UIC Library Account and select Fine + fees from the middle of the horizontal menu. For questions or assistance, you can submit a ticket to Ask a Librarian or call the Daley Circulation unit at (312) 996-2724.

Fines Policy

The UIC Library charges overdue fines for most circulating items starting 39 days after their due date. Recalled items, Course Reserve materials, media, and other short-term loans will be billed at a non-refundable rate within 24 hours of their due date. Interlibrary Loan items from other institutions may incur daily or hourly fines based on the policies of the lending library.

Overdue fines apply at all times, including holidays, vacations and intersession. All items that exceed their overdue limit and have not been returned after 39 days are billed to the user account as “Lost.”

Borrowers are responsible for library materials until they are checked in at an appropriate location. Reminders and overdue notices are mailed as a courtesy.

The library is not responsible for notifying borrowers that materials are overdue. Failure to receive or read reminders or overdue notices does not excuse borrowers from the responsibility of returning or renewing items on time to avoid paying the total amount of the bill.

Users are responsible for paying all outstanding fines and fees, including billing for damaged or lost items.

Lost Materials

UIC materials that are not returned or renewed within 39 days after their due date are automatically marked with a “Lost” status and billed to the user at a $125 minimum replacement fee for most items. The fee may be increased at the discretion of the Library if the item’s actual replacement cost exceeds $125.

For items returned within 1 year after being marked “Lost,” fees will be waived. After 1 year, bills are managed at the University of Illinois Business and Finance office and are no longer negotiable at or refundable by the Library.

Damaged Items

The charge for damaged items will be determined by the Library depending on an assessment of the severity of the damage, up to the full replacement fee of $125.

Damaged items may be replaced by borrowers in lieu of paying the replacement costs.

Charges for damaged Interlibrary Loan or I-Share items from other institutions are determined by the lending library.

Replacement Materials

The Daley Library will accept a replacement copy of a lost or damaged UIC item in lieu of the lost item replacement fee.

Replacement copies must match the lost item based on title, edition, and ISBN or ISSN number, and must be new or used in very good or better condition (clean, unmarked, untorn, with an intact spine and binding).

Former library copies cannot be accepted.

Interlibrary Loan or I-Share items may be eligible for replacement. Contact the lending library for details.

All replacement copies should be brought to a Daley Library Circulation supervisor in-person. If an item must be mailed, it must include your name and contact information, as well as a note that identifies the item as a replacement, so we can process the book correctly and credit your account.

The Library reserves the right to determine whether a replacement copy is acceptable.

Paying Fees

Payments are not accepted at the Library. Charges can be paid through the University of Illinois Business and Finance office.


Once items are billed through the University of Illinois Business and Finance office, they are non-refundable.

Account Suspension & Academic Blocks

An outstanding balance may result in the temporary suspension of borrowing and renewing privileges. Outstanding overdue materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan and I-Share can also result in a block.

Blocks are removed after overdue library materials are resolved.

Appealing Fines, Claiming Items Returned & Reporting Loss or Damage

Please submit a ticket to UIC Ask a Librarian to appeal any fines you feel were assessed in error, to claim that you’ve already returned or never borrowed an item checked out to your account, or to report a lost or damaged item. You can also call Daley Library Circulation at (312) 996-2724.

Library staff will review your appeal or claim and grant or deny it based on the circumstances. Items claimed returned will be searched for by library staff over a period of a month at least three times; if not found, library staff will declare the item “Lost” and you will be billed for the item.

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