Lunch with a Librarian

Spring 2025 Lunch with a Librarian Series

The Undergraduate Engagement Program (UEP) actively engages students with our Lunch with a Librarian program series. This program series is presented in a casual environment by offering a space where students can bring their lunch or grab a light lunch and have a dialogue with a small group of library employees on engaging topics that highlight the services, offerings, and orientation of the UIC Library.

Get To Know the UEP: An informational session on the University Library's Undergraduate Engagement Program
Fri., Feb. 14 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Be a part of the UIC Library's student engagement efforts and improve your research skills, connect with other UIC students, manage stress during the semester, and much more! Free lunch is included while supplies last.

Library of the Health Sciences - Chicago, Room 200A Active Classroom

Interlibrary Loan Edition
Fri., Feb. 21 12 p.m - 1 p.m.

Have you ever wanted to check out a book that was not available at UIC Library? Did you know that as a student, you can request books and other library materials from other academic institutions? For this session, learn how to set up your interlibrary loan account, understand the differences between I-Share and ILLiad, and place requests for library materials. Free lunch is included while supplies last!

Richard J. Daley Library, Room 1-470

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