
What's happening at the University Library

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Register for SciFinder Scholar Web version by November 16

The UIC Library now has access to the latest version of SciFinder Scholar in its new format, SciFinder Scholar Web (SFWeb) version. Users must register for SFWeb with their UIC email accounts by…


There are two new nodes that you can search through in JBI COnNECT: Burns Care Mental Health Access is also available for Psych Evidence Matters, an evidence-based tool.  This new tool can be…

Celebrate freedom to read during Banned Books Week

Librarians and readers celebrate Banned Books Week (BBW) September 26 – October 3, 2009. Observed since 1982, this event reminds Americans not to take for granted our First Amendment right to free expression.…

Text a Librarian at 773-442-ASKS

You can text a UIC librarian at 773-442-2757 to ask where to find facts, how to start your research, which resources will help you in a particular course, and get answers to your…

Daley Grind grand opening September 1-3

The Daley Library and Campus Dining are celebrating the grand opening of the Daley Grind Cafe September 1- 3. For these three days, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., visitors can taste the…

Electronic journals records upgraded in library catalog

The UIC Library upgraded records for more than 50,000 electronic journals in its library catalog (UICCAT). All titles listed in the Journals page now have records in the library catalog., field_56ba6f8fdb00c

Visual Resources collection moves to Daley Library

The Visual Resources library, a collection of images developed and maintained by the College of Architecture and the Arts (A&A) for instruction, has moved into room 1-461 of the Daley Library as of…

New Library Web site launches July 4

The UIC Library will launch its newly redesigned Web site on July 4, 2009. The Library utilized patron surveys and usability testing to design a site with easily scanned pages, simplified terminology, clear…

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