
What's happening at the University Library

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Daley Grind cafe perks up Library

The Daley Grind at the UIC Daley Library is open for business. The cafe is located on the first floor of the Library, just south of the west entrance to the building. The…

Request books for home delivery through WorldCat Direct

The UIC Library is participating in a pilot program called WorldCat Direct that offers delivery of books directly to your home or office. In this program, you can request any book by completing…

New research guides highlight discipline and course-specific library tools

Electronic research guides are subject-based guides that provide streamlined access to databases, books, tutorials, and Web sites. UIC librarians are developing these research guides for several disciplines including ethnic studies, forensic science, LGBT…

Daley Library open 24 hours during finals week

The Daley Library will extend its hours during spring semester finals week to be open continuously from 1 pm on Sunday, May 3 through 7 pm on Friday, May 8. The Reserve Reading…

Images of Research exhibit showcases graduate research

The 2009 Image of Research exhibit shows the work of UIC graduate students who have created an image and a brief statement to describe their research. The work of eighteen students is on…

Daley Library changes opening time to 6 a.m.

The Daley Library will open at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, beginning Monday, March 30 and continuing through May 8, 2009 (the Friday of finals week for spring semester). Saturday and Sunday opening…

New! ECCO, Literature Criticism, The Sixties

The Library is pleased to announce that three new electronic resources are available. ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online) is an ambitious project that digitizes every significant English-language and foreign-language book printed in Great…

Historical New York Times content update

The Library is pleased to announce that additional years of coverage have been added to the New York Times. The new dates of coverage are 1851-2005. To view the contents of this historical…

Natarus papers document economic development in Chicago

The Burton F. Natarus Papers are processed and available for researchers to use in the Daley Library Special Collections department. A finding aid is available online. Natarus served as a Chicago alderman for…

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