
What's happening at the University Library

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UIC Library Program Explores the World of Maps on March 20

The UIC Library presents a program in conjunction with the city-wide Festival of Maps. on Thursday March 20, 2008, from 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm, in Special Collections, Richard J. Daley Library, 3rd…

Information Literacy Examined in Symposium Series on March 13

Jennifer Eileen Knievel, Assistant Professor and Humanities Reference and Instruction Librarian at Norlin Library, University of Colorado at Boulder, will make two presentations at the University of Illinois at Chicago, talking about research…

Technical question: How to display all the symbols in PDFs

Have you tried lately to open a PDF, but seen an error message like this? “Cannot extract the embedded font ‘F0’. Some characters may not be displayed or printed correctly.” An earlier version…

Images Bring to Life the 1933 Century of Progress

Official photographs of the Enchanted Island, the Sky Ride Trolley, the House of Tomorrow, and infamous fan dancer Sally Rand soon will be available in a digital collection, Images of Progress: Views of…

Library Provides Global Economic Data through

The UIC community now has access to a powerful and comprehensive database of business, economic, and demographic information for all areas of the world. Economist Intelligence databases continually update data and analyses of…

New! Red Book Online from American Academy of Pediatrics

Red BookOnline, Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, is newly available for UIC library users. It gives all current American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for diagnosing, treating and preventing infectious diseases in…

Instructional Technology Lab Opens in Daley Library

The Academic Computing and Communications Center (ACCC) opened its east campus Instructional Technology Lab (ITL-East) in the Richard J. Daley Library at the beginning of the spring 2008 semester. ITL-East is located at…

New Interlibrary Loan Service Starts January 22

The UIC Library will introduce a new interlibrary loan service in January 2008. The name of the existing interlibrary loan system–MyILL@UIC–will remain the same, but users will notice significant improvements. After completing a…

Changing Neighborhoods Exhibit Explores Chicago Settlements

The UIC Library’s Special Collections department has launched an online interpretive exhibit about how the residents of seven Chicago settlement houses worked to improve the lives of people living in poor neighborhoods during…

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