
What's happening at the University Library

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UIC Librarian appointed to Depository Library Council

Associate Professor John Shuler, Bibliographer for Government Information and Urban Planning/ Documents Librarian has been appointed to the Public Printer’s Depository Library Council. This Council is composed of 15 members, each of whom…

New resource: LGBT Life with full text

The Library is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi- and Transsexual) Life with full text LGBT Life with Full Text contains full text for 50 of the most…

CIC Libraries Join in Google Book Search Project

The Midwest’s twelve-university consortium, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), has announced an agreement with Google to digitize distinctive collections across all its libraries as part of the Google Book Search project. UIC…

Documentary on Italian-Americans

Photographs and other historical materials from UIC’s Special Collections are featured in the film And They Came to Chicago, a documentary describing 150 years of Italians in Chicago. The film highlights the neighborhood…

ATLA Service Interruption

In order to improve response time for searches in their products, ATLA (American Theological Library Association) will perform significant network upgrades on their systems during the afternoon of Monday June 4th, beginning at…

Library Survey Update

The UIC Library would like to thank everyone who participated in the LibQual+ survey last October. The results have been compiled and the Library has already taken steps in response to some of…

New online journals: Radiology and Radiographics

Two journals published by the Radiological Society of North America have been added to the Library’s online journal collection. Radiology is a monthly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences. It includes…

Library Hours To Change on May 12th

With the end of classes and exams, both Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago will reduce their hours of service. Daley Library Intersession: Saturday May 12-Sunday May 27 Monday –…

Burt Natarus Papers to UIC

Burt Natarus, Chicago alderman for 36 years, has announced that he is donating his papers and political collections to the University of Illinois at Chicago Library. The collection includes city council proceedings since…

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