
What's happening at the University Library

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Research Honor

According to a recently-published analysis of library and information science literature, Professor Stephen J. Wiberley, Jr. Bibliographer for the Social Sciences at UIC Library was one of the top-cited researchers during the ten-year…

New resource: AccessSurgery

The Library is pleased to make AccessSurgery available for UIC users. This electronic resource provides surgery textbooks (CURRENT Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment, CURRENT Consult Surgery, Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical…

Global Health: New Full-Text Public Health Database

The Library is pleased to introduce Global Health, a new resource for UIC users on EBSCOhost. Global Health is a public health database that provides information on international health, biomedical life sciences, non-communicable…

Library Open Longer Hours

The Richard J. Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago will be open longer hours for the remaining weeks of the Spring semester. Effective April 1st the Daley Library, which now…

Online access to journals of the American Physiological Society

UIC users can now access the online journals of the American Physiological Society. These include: American Journal of Physiology (AJP) Consolidated AJP Cell Physiology AJP Endocrinology and Metabolism AJP Gastroinestinal and Liver Physiology…

Nourishing Culture: Greek Immigrants & Food in Chicago

Peggy Glowacki, archivist in the UIC Library Special Collections Department, is the curator of a new exhibit at the Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center. The exhibit, Nourishing Culture: Greek Immigrants & Food in…

Attend a Library Workshop Online

The UIC Library is offering a series of Virtual Workshops in March and April. Topics include: Keeping Current: Email and RSS Feeds; How Do I Know I Found Everything? Google; Optimizing Searching with…

e-Teaching Symposium

On Wednesday, February 21st, Senior Library Specialist Pia M. Hunter will present an overview of reserve services and electronic resources available to faculty and students through the UIC Library. The symposium will be…

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