
What's happening at the University Library

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Daley Library - Extended Hours for Spring Finals

Daley Library will be open extended hours for spring finals: May 6 ……. Sunday ……………………. 1:00 PM-Midnight May 7-10 …..Monday-Thursday ……….. 7:30 AM-Midnight, field_56ba6f8fdb00c

New resource: ResearchNow from Berkeley Electronic Press

The Library is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of ResearchNow from bepress. ResearchNow is a database of scholarly information drawing its content from several primary sources: The roster of peer-reviewed, Berkeley Electronic…

JSTOR Update

JSTOR has been a popular resource with UIC researchers since the Library began as a member in 1999. It provides an archive of journals, each going back to volume 1, issue 1, but…

Graduation Honors for Peoria Staff Member

Peg Burnette, Library Operations Assistant at the Library of the Health Sciences in Peoria, has been selected to receive the Health Sciences Information Award at this year’s Graduate School of Library and Information…

New resource: AccessScience

AccessScience is now available to provide UIC users with access to all the articles, fully illustrated, from the latest edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. In print, this encyclopedia has…

Building the Future City: Past Visions

A special exhibit now on view in the first floor lobby of Daley Library is “Building the Future City: Past Visions.” The exhibit features maps, plans, books, and photographs documenting past visions and…

Don't Throw It Away Workshop

Do you have any old files? Are records on your desk or on your computer taking up space? What’s the important stuff” What should be saved? What can you get rid of? If…

The Medical Letter online is now available

The UIC Library is pleased to provide access to the electronic products published by The Medical Letter, Inc., of New Rochelle, New York. Readers can sign up to receive the E-table of contents…

Sign Up for Academe Today

UIC users no longer require an individual subscription in order to receive Academe Today, The Chronicle of Higher Education’s e-mailed daily alert. As part of UIC’s Chronicle subscription, anyone can sign up for…

Announcing GeoScience World

GeoScienceWorld (GSW) has recently been purchased by the Library for UIC users. GSW is a database consisting of 34 geoscientific journals and related information sponsored by a group of leading geoscientific organizations. A…

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