Now on exhibit in the 1st floor lobby at the Richard Daley Library is One Hundred Years of Thinking I Can! A Brief History of the “Little Engine” Story. The Little Engine that…
We are pleased to announce that S & P Netadvantage is available online to UIC users. This new resource, updated daily by Standard & Poor’s Inc., now adds valuable data to UIC’s business…
Program featuring Charles Harrison and Victor Margolin Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 5:00 pm Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, 801 S. Morgan Join designer Charles Harrison and Prof. Victor Margolin for a…
The papers of allergist Max Samter, MD (1908-1999) are now available for research in the University Archives. The collection documents Samter’s pioneering work in the field of immunology, as well as his experience…
In early December access to the server on which the UIC Library News blog resides malfunctioned. Although the server was quickly rebooted, there were severe problems which prevented us from updating the newsletter.…
At around 16:10 on December 3rd access to the blog server rivendell was not possible any more. We did a reboot of the server at 16:55, the server was back online at 17:05.…
The ISI Journal Citation Reports, published by Thomson Scientific, recently incorporated the 2005 citation measurements, including new rankings based on impact factors. The ISI JCR is an online quantitative database for comparing and…
The Library has acquired a new onsite license for UpToDate Online, a medical knowledge database designed to deliver scientific research literature at the point of patient care. Its main feature is topical reviews…
UIC Library users will have some new options in resources for research as of July 1, 2006. The Library will upgrade several existing databases and add important new ones. Please add or change…