We are proud to announce the awardees of UIC’s first student-led initiative to support open access materials — the Undergraduate Student Government Faculty Open Educational Resources Leadership Award Program.
Three UIC University Library faculty members have been named the first and second place winners of the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries People's Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing.
UIC students, faculty and staff can now access the full digital version of the Wall Street Journal, thanks to a partnership between the UIC University Library and the College of Business Administration.
When University of Illinois Chicago student Ve’Linda Kimble joined the Douglass Day 2024 Transcribe-A-Thon on Feb. 14, she was in awe as she read the words Frederick Douglass put to paper in the 19th century.
UIC University Librarian and Dean of Libraries Rhea Ballard-Thrower began her one-year term as the Association of Research Libraries 2024 vice president/president-elect Jan. 1. The appointment took place during the ARL’s Fall Meeting in October 2023.
Join us for a weekly series of webinars on topics related to systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis methods, delivered by UIC University Library faculty.
Actor Michael Gross was at UIC recently to announce the donation of more than 50 boxes of papers, scripts, photographs and other memorabilia from his long career to the University Library Special Collections.
Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias and the UIC University Library hosted a Banned Book Readout at the Richard J. Daley Library IDEA Commons on Wed., Oct. 4 to commemorate…
The UIC Library English 161 Research Awards, initiated in the fall of 2020, recognize excellence in student research that demonstrates best practices in finding, evaluating and synthesizing sources to develop creative and impactful…