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Close-up of someone removing a book from a shelf in the library

Congratulations to the 2022 Library Research Award Winners

The UIC Library English 161 Research Awards, initiated in the fall of 2020, recognize excellence in student research that demonstrates best practices in finding, evaluating and synthesizing sources to develop creative and impactful…

lue and red circles with feathered edges in the background of text about survey. There is also a black, white and gold image of an Amazon gift card. The Richard J. Daley Library logo is in the lower right corner.

Library Patron Survey

Please take a moment to complete our Library Patron Survey to help us improve your experiences in the Richard J. Daley Library. We would like your feedback about your visits to the building.…

Ink Works print in blue, cream and grey of Lozano and workers marching behind a banner that says

Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Lozano digital exhibit available online

In anticipation of July 29 marking Rodolfo “Rudy” Lozano Day in Cook County, the University of Illinois Chicago Library is announcing that a digital exhibit celebrating the Pilsen activist, labor organizer and UIC…

UIC student Yi-Chien Wu with her winning still photo in the Image of Research competition. Wu is standing in front of an abstract green shape in the background that resembles wings. Wu is turned to the side and is wearing a purple shirt and black pants and sneakers.

Capturing the beauty of research

UIC’s annual Image of Research competition showcases the diversity of research at UIC — and the beauty within it. Graduate and professional students selected as winners or honorable mention recipients in the competition were celebrated April 29 duri

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