The new UIC Library Digital Collections beta site is now available to the entire UIC community and to the general public from the Digital Collections page on the Library’s website.
Learn how restorative justice recognizes active responsibility, repairs harms and builds communities for a better future. An open discussion and Q+A follows presentations.
The UIC Library English 161 Research Awards, initiated in the fall of 2020, recognize excellence in student research that demonstrates best practices in finding, evaluating and synthesizing sources to develop creative and impactful…
Please take a moment to complete our Library Patron Survey to help us improve your experiences in the Richard J. Daley Library. We would like your feedback about your visits to the building.…
The UIC University Library is excited to partner with the College of Nursing, the College of Pharmacy, the College of Applied Health Sciences and the Center for Academic Teaching and Excellence (CATE) on…
In anticipation of July 29 marking Rodolfo “Rudy” Lozano Day in Cook County, the University of Illinois Chicago Library is announcing that a digital exhibit celebrating the Pilsen activist, labor organizer and UIC…
Congratulations to Jung Mi Scoulas, PhD, University of Illinois Chicago, who received the highest number of votes, for the article "Student Voice in Administrative Decision-making: Inclusive Planning during the Pandemic."
UIC’s annual Image of Research competition showcases the diversity of research at UIC — and the beauty within it.
Graduate and professional students selected as winners or honorable mention recipients in the competition were celebrated April 29 duri
To help commemorate the life of Jane Addams on the 87th anniversary of the Nobel Laureate’s death, the University of Illinois Chicago Library has released digitized yearbooks and annual reports from the settlement house she co-founded. The collection